High-level interfaces
PyMavryk client
- class pymavryk.client.PyMavrykClient(context: ExecutionContext | None = None)[source]
Entry point for a developer, start your script with:
from pymavryk import pymavryk
- account = <function PyMavrykClient.account> Shortcut for RPC contract request. :param account_id: tz/KT address, leave None to show info about current key [source]
- activate_account = <function ContentMixin.activate_account> Activate recommended allocations for contributions to the TF fundraiser. More info https://activate.tezos.com/ :param activation_code: Secret code from pdf, leave empty for autocomplete :param pkh: Public key hash, leave empty for autocomplete :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- activate_protocol = <function PyMavrykClient.activate_protocol> Initiate user-activated upgrade (sandbox only) :param protocol_hash: Protocol hash :rtype: BlockHeader [source]
- bake_block = <function PyMavrykClient.bake_block> Create and inject new block with operations from mempool :param min_fee: filter operations by fee (default is 0) :rtype: BlockHeader [source]
- ballot = <function ContentMixin.ballot> Vote for a proposal in a given voting period. Can only be submitted during Testing_vote or Promotion_vote periods, and only once per period. More info https://tezos.gitlab.io/master/whitedoc/voting.html :param proposal: Hash of the proposal :param ballot: 'Yay', 'Nay' or 'Pass' :param source: Public key hash (of the signatory), leave None for autocomplete :param period: Number of the current voting period, leave None for autocomplete :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- bulk = <function PyMavrykClient.bulk> Batch multiple operations and contract calls in a single operation group :param operations: a tuple of operations or contract calls :rtype: OperationGroup [source]
- check_message = <function PyMavrykClient.check_message> Check message signature :param message: Signed operation :param public_key: Signer's public key :param signature: Message signature :param block: Specify block, defaults to genesis [source]
- contract = <function PyMavrykClient.contract> Get a high-level interface for a given smart contract id. :param address: KT address of a smart contract :rtype: ContractInterface [source]
- delegation = <function ContentMixin.delegation> Delegate funds or register yourself as a delegate. :param delegate: tz address of delegate, leave None to register yourself as a delegate :param source: Address from which funds will be delegated, leave None to use signatory address :param counter: Current account counter, leave None for autocomplete :param fee: Leave None for autocomplete :param gas_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :param storage_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- double_baking_evidence = <function ContentMixin.double_baking_evidence> Provide evidence of double baking (two different blocks at the same height). :param bh1: First block hash :param bh2: Second block hash :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- double_endorsement_evidence = <function ContentMixin.double_endorsement_evidence> Provide evidence of double endorsement (endorsing two different blocks at the same block height). Inline endorsement format: .. code-block:: python { "branch": $block_hash, "operations": { "kind": "endorsement", "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-2, 2^31+2] }, "signature"?: $Signature } :param op1: Inline endorsement :param op2: Inline endorsement :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- endorsement = <function ContentMixin.endorsement> Endorse a block. :param level: Endorsed level :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- endorsement_with_slot = <function ContentMixin.endorsement_with_slot> Wrap endorsement :param endorsement: Inlined endorsement :param slot: Minimum of the slots endorsed :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- failing_noop = <function ContentMixin.failing_noop> Operation to sign arbitrary data without the risk it will be used onchain. :param arbitrary: Message to sign :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- operation = <function PyMavrykClient.operation> Create an operation group with single content. :param content: Operation body (depending on `kind`) :rtype: OperationGroup [source]
- operation_group = <function PyMavrykClient.operation_group> Create new operation group (multiple contents). You can leave all fields empty in order to create an empty operation group. :param protocol: Leave None for autocomplete, unless you know what you are doing :param branch: Leave None for autocomplete :param contents: List of operation contents (optional) :param signature: Can be set later :rtype: OperationGroup [source]
- origination = <function ContentMixin.origination> Deploy smart contract (scriptless KT accounts are not used for delegation since Babylon). :param script: {"code": $Micheline, "storage": $Micheline} :param balance: Amount transferred on the balance, WARNING: there is no default way to withdraw funds. More info: https://tezos.stackexchange.com/questions/1315/can-i-withdraw-funds-from-an-empty-smart-contract :param delegate: Set contract delegate, default None :param source: Address from which funds will be sent, leave None to use signatory address :param counter: Current account counter, leave None for autocomplete :param fee: Leave None for autocomplete :param gas_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :param storage_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- proposals = <function ContentMixin.proposals> Submit and/or upvote proposals to amend the protocol. Can only be submitted during a proposal period. More info https://tezos.gitlab.io/master/whitedoc/voting.html :param proposals: List of proposal hashes or single proposal hash :param source: Public key hash (of the signatory), leave None for autocomplete :param period: Number of the current voting period, leave 0 for autocomplete :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- register_global_constant = <function ContentMixin.register_global_constant> Operation to register Micheline expressions in a global table of constants :param value: Micheline expression :param source: Address from which funds will be delegated, leave None to use signatory address :param counter: Current account counter, leave None for autocomplete :param fee: Leave None for autocomplete :param gas_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :param storage_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- reveal = <function ContentMixin.reveal> Reveal the public key associated with a tz address. :param public_key: Public key to reveal, Base58 encoded :param source: Public key hash of the key revealed, leave None to use signatory address :param counter: Current account counter, leave None for autocomplete (More info https://tezos.stackexchange.com/questions/632/how-counter-grows) :param fee: Leave None for autocomplete :param gas_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :param storage_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- seed_nonce_revelation = <function ContentMixin.seed_nonce_revelation> Reveal the nonce committed operation in the previous cycle. More info https://tezos.stackexchange.com/questions/567/what-are-nonce-revelations :param level: When nonce hash was committed :param nonce: Hex string :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- sign_message = <function PyMavrykClient.sign_message> Sign arbitrary message with guarantee that resulting operation won't be used onchain. :param message: Message to sign :param block: Specify block, defaults to genesis :returns: Base58-encoded signature (non-generic) [source]
- sleep = <function PyMavrykClient.sleep> Sleeps until a certain amount of blocks appended to the chain :param num_blocks: number of blocks to wait for :param time_between_blocks: override the corresponding parameter from constants :param block_timeout: set block timeout (by default PyMavryk will wait for a long time) [source]
- smart_rollup_add_messages = <function ContentMixin.smart_rollup_add_messages> Send external message to the global rollup inbox :param message: Array of byte strings 2KB max each :param source: Address from which funds will be delegated, leave None to use signatory address :param counter: Current account counter, leave None for autocomplete :param fee: Leave None for autocomplete :param gas_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :param storage_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message = <function ContentMixin.smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message> Execute outbox message on L1 :param rollup: Rollup address, base58 encoded (sr1) :param cemented_commitment: Commitment hash, base58 encoded (src1) :param output_proof: Byte string :param source: Address from which funds will be delegated, leave None to use signatory address :param counter: Current account counter, leave None for autocomplete :param fee: Leave None for autocomplete :param gas_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :param storage_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- transaction = <function ContentMixin.transaction> Transfer mav to a given address (implicit or originated). If the receiver is a smart contract, then optional parameters may be passed. :param source: Address from which funds will be sent, leave None to use signatory address :param destination: Address :param amount: Amount to send in microtez (int) or mav (Decimal) (optional) :param counter: Current account counter, leave None for autocomplete :param parameters: { "entrypoint": $string, "value": $Micheline expression } (optional) :param fee: Leave None for autocomplete :param gas_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :param storage_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- transfer_ticket = <function ContentMixin.transfer_ticket> Transfer ticket to another implicit account or to a smart rollup :param ticket_contents: Micheline expression (value) :param ticket_ty: Micheline expression (type) :param ticket_ticketer: Ticketer address :param ticket_amount: Amount :param destination: Implicit or originated address (smart rollups not supported) :param entrypoint: Smart contract entrypoint (leave "default" for implicit accounts) :param source: Address from which funds will be delegated, leave None to use signatory address :param counter: Current account counter, leave None for autocomplete :param fee: Leave None for autocomplete :param gas_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :param storage_limit: Leave None for autocomplete :returns: dict or OperationGroup
- using = <function PyMavrykClient.using> Change current RPC endpoint and account (private key). :param shell: one of 'mainnet', '***net', or RPC node uri, or instance of :class:`pymavryk.rpc.shell.ShellQuery` :param key: base58 encoded key, path to the faucet file, faucet file itself, alias from octez-client, or `Key` :param mode: whether to use `readable` or `optimized` encoding for parameters/storage/other :returns: A copy of current object with changes applied [source]
- wait = <function PyMavrykClient.wait> Wait for multiple injected operations get enough confirmations :param min_confirmations: number of block injections to wait for before returning :param num_blocks_wait: number of blocks to wait for injection :param time_between_blocks: override the corresponding parameter from constants :param prev_hash: Current block hash (optional). If not set, current head is used. :param block_timeout: set block timeout (by default PyMavryk will wait for a long time) [source]
Contract interface
- class pymavryk.contract.interface.ContractInterface(context: ExecutionContext)[source]
Proxy class for interacting with a contract.
- big_map_get = <function ContractInterface.big_map_get> Get BigMap entry as Python object by plain key and block height. :param path: JSON path to the key (or just key to access default BigMap location). Use `/` to separate nodes and `::` to separate tuple args. In any other case you'd need to escape those symbols. :returns: object .. deprecated:: 3.0.0 This will be removed in 4.0.0. use `.storage[path][to][big_map][key]()` instead[source]
- property call: ContractEntrypoint
Deprecated since version 3.0.0.
This will be removed in 4.0.0. use default() instead
- property code
Deprecated since version 3.0.0.
This will be removed in 4.0.0. use to_micheline() instead
- property contract: ContractInterface
Deprecated since version 3.0.0.
This will be removed in 4.0.0. access ContractInterface directly
- classmethod create_from(source)[source]
Create contract interface from its code.
- Parameters:
source – Michelson code, filename, or Micheline JSON
- Return type:
Deprecated since version 3.0.0: This will be removed in 4.0.0. use one of from_file, from_michelson, from_micheline, from_url
- from_context = <staticmethod(<function ContractInterface.from_context>)> Create contract from the previously loaded context data. :param context: execution context :return: ContractInterface [source]
- from_file = <staticmethod(<function ContractInterface.from_file>)> Create contract from michelson source code stored in a file. :param path: Path to the `.tz` file :param context: optional execution context :rtype: ContractInterface [source]
- from_micheline = <staticmethod(<function ContractInterface.from_micheline>)> Create contract from micheline expression. :param expression: [{'prim': 'parameter'}, {'prim': 'storage'}, {'prim': 'code'}] :param context: optional execution context :rtype: ContractInterface [source]
- from_michelson = <staticmethod(<function ContractInterface.from_michelson>)> Create contract from michelson source code. :param source: Michelson source code :param context: optional execution context :rtype: ContractInterface [source]
- from_url = <staticmethod(<function ContractInterface.from_url>)> Create contract from michelson source code available via URL :param url: link to the Michelson file :param context: optional execution context :rtype: ContractInterface [source]
- property metadata: ContractMetadata | None
Get TZIP-016 contract metadata, if exists
- Return type:
- operation_result = <function ContractInterface.operation_result> Get operation parameters, and resulting storage as Python objects. Can locate operation inside operation groups with multiple contents and/or internal operations. :param operation_group: {'branch', 'protocol', 'contents', 'signature'} :rtype: ContractCallResult [source]
- originate = <function ContractInterface.originate> Create an origination operation :param initial_storage: Python object, leave None to generate default :param mode: whether to use `readable` or `optimized` (or `legacy_optimized`) encoding for initial storage :param balance: initial balance :param delegate: initial delegator :rtype: OperationGroup [source]
- script = <function ContractInterface.script> Generate script for contract origination. :param initial_storage: Python object, leave None to generate default (attach shell/key for smart fill) :param mode: whether to use `readable` or `optimized` (or `legacy_optimized`) encoding for initial storage :return: {"code": $Micheline, "storage": $Micheline} [source]
- storage_from_file = <function ContractInterface.storage_from_file> Load contract storage from file :param path: path to .tz file [source]
- storage_from_micheline = <function ContractInterface.storage_from_micheline> Load contract storage from Micheline expression :param expression: Micheline expression [source]
- storage_from_michelson = <function ContractInterface.storage_from_michelson> Load contract storage from Michelson code :param source: Michelson code [source]
- property text: str
Deprecated since version 3.0.0.
This will be removed in 4.0.0. use to_michelson() instead
- to_file = <function ContractInterface.to_file> Write contract source to a .tz file :param path: path to the file [source]
- to_micheline = <function ContractInterface.to_micheline> Get contract script in Micheline JSON :return: [{'prim': 'parameter'}, {'prim': 'storage'}, {'prim': 'code'}] [source]
- to_michelson = <function ContractInterface.to_michelson> Get contract listing in formatted Michelson :return: string [source]
- property token_metadata: ContractTokenMetadataProxy
Get TZIP-021 contract token metadata proxy
- Return type:
- using = <function ContractInterface.using> Change the block at which the current contract is inspected. Also, if address is undefined you can specify RPC endpoint, and private key. :param shell: one of 'mainnet', '***net', or RPC node uri, or instance of :class:`pymavryk.rpc.shell.ShellQuery` :param key: base58 encoded key, path to the faucet file, alias from octez-client, or instance of `Key` :param block_id: block height / hash / offset to use, default is `head` :param mode: whether to use `readable` or `optimized` encoding for parameters/storage/other :param ipfs_gateway: override IPFS gateway URI :rtype: ContractInterface [source]
Contract entrypoint proxy
- class pymavryk.contract.entrypoint.ContractEntrypoint(context: ExecutionContext, entrypoint: str)[source]
Proxy class for spawning ContractCall instances.
- __call__(*args, **kwargs) ContractCall [source]
Spawn a contract call proxy initialized with the entrypoint name
- Parameters:
args – entrypoint args
kwargs – entrypoint key-value args
- Return type:
Contract call proxy
- class pymavryk.contract.call.ContractCall(context: ExecutionContext, parameters: dict, amount: int | Decimal = 0)[source]
Proxy class encapsulating a contract call: contract type scheme, contract address, parameters, and amount
- as_transaction = <function ContractCall.as_transaction> Get operation content. :rtype: OperationGroup [source]
- callback_view = <function ContractCall.callback_view> Get return value of an on-chain callback method. :param storage: initial storage as Python object, if None then the current one will be taken (if context attached), otherwise empty (dummy) :returns: Decoded parameters of a callback [source]
- inject = <function ContractCall.inject> Send operation to blockchain. .. deprecated:: 3.2.2 This will be removed in 4.0.0. use `send()` instead[source]
- interpret = <function ContractCall.interpret> Run code in the builtin REPL (WARNING! Not recommended for critical tasks). :param storage: initial storage as Python object, leave None if you want to generate a dummy one :param source: patch SOURCE :param sender: patch SENDER :param amount: patch AMOUNT :param balance: patch BALANCE :param chain_id: patch CHAIN_ID :param level: patch LEVEL :param now: patch NOW :param self_address: patch SELF/SELF_ADDRESS :param view_results: patch VIEW calls (keys must be string "address%view", values => Python objects) :rtype: pymavryk.contract.result.ContractCallResult [source]
- property operation_group: OperationGroup
Deprecated since version 3.0.0.
This will be removed in 4.0.0. use as_transaction() instead
- result = <function ContractCall.result> Simulate operation and parse the result. :param storage: Python object only. If storage is specified, `run_code` is called instead of `run_operation`. :param source: Can be specified for unit testing purposes :param sender: Can be specified for unit testing purposes,see https://tezos.gitlab.io/whitedoc/michelson.html#operations-on-contracts for the difference :param gas_limit: Specify gas limit (default is gas hard limit) :rtype: ContractCallResult .. deprecated:: 3.0.0 This will be removed in 4.0.0. use either `run_code` or `run_operation`[source]
- run_code = <function ContractCall.run_code> Execute using RPC interpreter. :param storage: initial storage as Python object, leave None if you want to generate a dummy one :param source: patch SOURCE :param sender: patch SENDER :param amount: patch AMOUNT :param balance: patch BALANCE :param chain_id: patch CHAIN_ID :param gas_limit: restrict max consumed gas :rtype: ContractCallResult [source]
- run_operation = <function ContractCall.run_operation> Simulate operation using real context. :rtype: ContractCallResult [source]
- send = <function ContractCall.send> Fill, sign, and broadcast the transaction :param gas_reserve: Add a safe reserve for dynamically calculated gas limit (default is 100). :param burn_reserve: Add a safe reserve for dynamically calculated storage limit (default is 100). :param min_confirmations: number of block injections to wait for before returning (default is 0, i.e. async mode) :param ttl: Number of blocks to wait in the mempool before removal (default is 5 for public network, 60 for sandbox) :return: OperationGroup with hash filled [source]
- send_async = <function ContractCall.send_async> Send operation without simulation or pre-validation :param ttl: Number of blocks to wait in the mempool before removal (default is 5 for public network, 60 for sandbox) :param counter: Set counter value :param gas_limit: Set gas_limit value :param storage_limit: Set storage_limit value :param minimal_nanomav_per_gas_unit: Override minimal_nanomav_per_gas_unit constant :rtype: OperationGroup [source]
Contract call result
- class pymavryk.contract.result.ContractCallResult(**props)[source]
Encapsulates the result of a contract invocation.
- classmethod from_run_code(response: Dict[str, Any], parameters, context: ExecutionContext) ContractCallResult [source]
Parse a result of
execution.- Parameters:
response – RPC response (JSON)
parameters – {“entrypoint”: str, “value”: $Micheline}
context – execution context
- Return type:
- classmethod from_run_operation(operation_group: Dict[str, Any], context: ExecutionContext) List[ContractCallResult] [source]
Get a list of results from an operation group content with metadata.
- Parameters:
operation_group – {…, “contents”: [{…, kind: “transaction”, …}]}
context – execution context
- Return type:
Contract storage proxy
- class pymavryk.contract.data.ContractData(context: ExecutionContext, data: MichelsonType, path='', title=None)[source]
- __call__(try_unpack=False)[source]
Get Michelson value as a Python object
- Parameters:
try_unpack – try to unpack utf8-encoded strings or PACKed Michelson expressions
- decode = <function ContractData.decode> Convert from Michelson or Micheline to Python type system :param value: Micheline JSON expression or Michelson value :return: Python object [source]
- default = <function ContractData.default> .. deprecated:: 3.0.0 This will be removed in 4.0.0.[source]
- dummy = <function ContractData.dummy> Try to generate a dummy (empty) value :return: Python object [source]
- encode = <function ContractData.encode> Convert from Python to Micheline type system :param py_obj: Python object :param mode: whether to use `readable` or `optimized` (or `legacy_optimized`) encoding :return: Micheline JSON expression [source]
Contract view proxy
- class pymavryk.contract.view.ContractView(context: ExecutionContext, name: str, parameter: Dict[str, Any] | None, return_type: Dict[str, Any], code: List[Any])[source]
Proxy class for handling off-chain and on-chain views